Everyone has a part to play!
Climate Science 101:
1) It’s getting warmer. 2) It’s us. 3) We’re sure. 4) It’s bad. 5) We can fix this! and everyone has a part to play. What will your first climate action be?
These days, just about everyone knows there’s a climate problem and just about everyone is concerned. The question we all ask is, “What can I do? I’m just one person – how can anything I do make a difference?” None of us can do everything, but we can all do something, and if everyone did something, imagine what 7.7 million people living in the Bay Area can accomplish if we work together, because …
everyone has a part to play. The challenge is real: in order to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 80% no later than 2030. That’s less than ten years away!
Act Now Bay Area (ANBA) was formed in 2020 by Leslie Alden, an experienced marketer, policy specialist and passionate climate action activist, with the goal of launching the Regional 2030 Climate Challenge, an initiative to dramatically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by engaging everyone in the Bay Area, all 7.7 million of us, to be a part of the solution.
The mission and goals of Drawdown Bay Area are right in line with those of The Praxis Group. Praxis adopted ANBA as a fiscally sponsored project in November 2020 with the goal of helping make ANBA a leader in climate action and sustainability in the Bay Area.