Featured Projects Sustainable Bay Area Network

Bringing Sustainable Communities Together

The Sustainable Bay Area Network is a casual association of “sustainable community” organizations around the San Francisco Bay Area – a network of organizations that share a name and a common purpose. These organizations are communities of citizens, educators, innovators, and organizations designing and building pathways to ecologically sustainable, economically vibrant, and socially just communities for all.

Collectively, organizations under the Sustainable “brand” represent an important stakeholder constituency in regional effort to address the climate emergency, sea level rise, impact mitigation, our solid waste crisis, the just transition to a fossil-fuel free economy and so many other pressing issues of our time. More critical now than ever before, we must all think globally, act locally … and do so better, faster, together!

For quite a few years, it’s been clear to us (Mark and Tina) that many of the leaders of the “Sustainables” hadn’t met each other. In the spring of 2017, Praxis took the initiative to convene the first Network Gathering. The response was tremendous. Since then, Praxis has hosted several more Gatherings. We’re pleased to see that bringing people together is leading to inter-organization communication, new collaborations and a general sense of unity.

Check out the Network’s website at www.SustainableBayArea.org.